I'm Paola,
nice to meet you
Besides being a UX/UI designer, I am also a writer, an athlete, a devoted dog mom, and a lover of all things creative.
My journey into design has been just that - a journey - but I'm excited to share my story and connect to learn yours!
How I got started in UX design
As someone who grew up during the golden age of the internet, I was always fascinated by the things technology could do. I followed this interest in technology to college, eventually completing a bachelors degree in Computer Science at Florida International University.
Throughout my studies, though, I discovered that my interest in tech mainly lies in the way it interacts with users and changes the way they live. It was this realization that led me to the field of UX/UI design, where I fell in love with the design process and the major impact it has on business.
After deciding to specialize in UX, I continued my education post graduation by completing a Google UX Design certification course. With the skills I acquired there, I now look to help my clients thrive by giving users the best experience possible.
What I've been working on
As of right now, I've mostly been working with local startups and nonprofit organizations by helping them modify their website/mobile app layouts to better suit their users and reach their own business goals.
In addition to designing new screens and layouts, I conduct user research to assess what changes need to be made and whether or not a design is producing good results. I also create a custom deign system that suits their brand identity, so that even if my designs are changed later on, the designs can remain cohesive.
Overall, I've been working with clients in my community whose work I'm passionate about, and do my best to set them up for success even after my work is done.